Advancing mining’s transition to a low-carbon future

Decarbonisation of the mining industry is critical to a reduction in carbon emissions globally. Setting and achieving Net Zero targets presents a time sensitive challenge that is the greatest headwind we have ever faced within our industry. While there are challenges and risks associated with decarbonisation, there are also many opportunities to be gained for mining companies.

RPMGlobal is well placed to provide both the technological and advisory services our clients need to meet the rising demand for decarbonisation support as mining organisations – and companies in the mining value chain – transition to a low-carbon future.

With our deep domain mining experience and expertise, RPMGlobal is uniquely placed to deliver climate mitigation and adaptation advice, and mining-centric decarbonisation solutions through Net Zero planning, mining and infrastructure engineering, finance, software, and training.

RPMGlobal has built 5 Pillars of innovative services and capabilities to assist you in your journey to Net Zero.

How is your operation tracking to a low carbon future?

Net Zero Policy and Strategy Development 

RPMGlobal has the skills, expertise, and software to work with our customers to quantify their current baseline and historical greenhouse gas emissions profile, energy usage and impacts across the entire portfolio of assets and processes. This baseline can be extended across the mining value chain if needed. RPM’s range of tools, spanning from software to advisory, allows comprehensive decarbonisation plans, just transition plans and climate risk assessment.

RPM has now released a mining-specific baseline emissions capture and management software EmissionsManager which supports this process and removes the dependency on less reliable spreadsheet reporting systems.

Beyond this baseline reporting, we use our best-in-class proprietary XERAS Enterprise software to project future emission trajectories, helping mining organisations forecast not only mining economics and the physicals which drive costs but the emissions profile which may likely result from those plans. This sandpit environment allows for traceable and auditable options evaluation for our clients to explore the various mining process changes required to achieve the forward targets and therefore establish what additional change may be needed.

Together, these baselines and forecasts help mining organisations set feasible and credible emission reduction targets, and define their decarbonisation pathway and resourcing, as part of a cohesive Net Zero Strategy.

EmissionsManager Carbon Equivalent Report


Decarbonisation Pathway Planning 

Across all planning horizons and at every stage of the mining value chain, our advisory and software teams are equipped to ask the right questions, and identify the right solutions, to deliver economically and technically sound low carbon interventions and climate risk management for our customers.

RPMGlobal’s range of software solutions covers emission reduction planning and tactics, energy-aware mine design and mobile mining equipment transition options.

Our advisory teams analyse and deeply understand the mining operation or project by looking at it in an overall emissions and economic context and applying tools and technology to explore how to achieve the specific goals of that project. RPM’s approach to pathway planning is to deal with this on both an incremental and step change basis, with the following key aspects:

  • Low energy mining plans and operations, particularly the mine and its major processes
  • Comminution strategies
  • Power and water
  • Supply chain and logistics

Decarbonisation Software and Tools

  • EmissionsManager is RPM’s leading sustainable technology solution, responsible for collecting, calculating, monitoring and reporting on emissions data, to support mining organisations on their pathway to Net Zero.
  • RPMGlobal’s HAULSIM simulation can help mining organisations select economically and environmentally optimal equipment and fuel usage in the mine. 
  • XERAS Enterprise can be used to understand future emission trajectories, helping mining organisations forecast the capital and operational costs and benefits of decarbonisation.
  • XECUTE and MinePlanner are mine planning tools for the short and long-term. Specifically, XECUTE will be used to ensure that the Low-Energy and Low-Emission Mine Plans developed with MinePlanner can be delivered routinely.
  • AMT utilises live budgeting and forecasting, and equipment dynamic lifecycle costing to anticipate equipment performance, achieve operational efficiencies and extend the life of mining equipment, leading to more sustainable operations that produce better emissions outcomes.
RPMGlobal HAULSIM Software


Carbon Monitoring and Governance 

Our advisory and software teams help with monitoring and evaluating emissions performance, auditing, verifying improvements, and ensuring people, systems and processes are aligned with decarbonisation targets. The Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)’s reporting guidelines on climate risks were developed in response to demand from investors, lenders, insurance underwriters, and other stakeholders for climate-related financial information that could effectively inform their decision-making. The resulting guidelines have placed climate-related risks in two categories: transition risks and physical risks. 

By combining our expertise in environmental risk assessment and emissions management for mining organisations, RPMGlobal can support our customers to understand their climate impacts along the value chain and the extent of their exposure to climate-related physical and transition risks, before supporting them to plan and implement measures to not only mitigate these risks but also adapt as an organisation.  

Training and Professional Development 

RPM’s Carbon Literacy for Miners course explains how climate change impacts and actions intersect with mining supply chains and operations. In this course, we give our customers the knowledge, language, and frameworks they will need to understand:

  1. Their Carbon balance sheet, i.e., their emissions scopes, sources, and sinks
  2. Net Zero and decarbonisation strategies and tactics
  3. Carbon pricing, markets, and finance
  4. Sustainability, Sustainable Development, and the Just Transition for mining

Our very popular Mining for non-Miners course has recently been updated to include additional content on Energy-aware mining and decarbonisation basics.

If your organisation operates within the mining value chain (i.e., you are a supplier, customer, or an offset or insetting provider of the mining industry), RPM’s Mining for Non-Miners course can help you understand the basics of mine planning and operations. It will give you the knowledge you need to make informed decisions before working with a mining company toward decarbonisation actions.

Mining for Non-Miners is the perfect starting point for anyone working in or with the mining industry. The course provides students with an overview of the industry as well as an introduction to core functions such as geology and exploration; mine planning & asset management; surface & underground extraction methods; as well as mineral processing and extractive metallurgy.

Here’s what we’ve been saying in the media about Net Zero

RPMGlobal reviews opportunities for Mining in the Net Zero Transition

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