Strategic Design Optimiser (SDO) forms part of RPMGlobal’s Design offering. SDO integrates the complex tasks of stope and development optimisation into a single, coherent process.

SDO is a standalone, strategic design package that seamlessly integrates with any existing design or scheduling package. It can be used with your existing design tools and will automate many of the tedious and repetitive processes that are currently required. Otherwise, SDO can be offered as a fully integrated end to-end enterprise solution as part of RPMGlobal’s Underground Metals Solution.


Guide surface creation

Automatically generate stope control surfaces required for stope seed orientation.

Frameworks and quads

Visualise the interaction of slicing planes with bounding frameworks.

Flexible option assessment

Pick and choose what properties templates to apply to selected frameworks for stoping scenarios.

Customised scenario management

Large volumes of generated scenario data are automatically managed, making it easy to compare outputs of different options.

Analyse results quickly

Customised built-in analysis charts make it easy to summarise and assess stope optimisation outputs.

Full strategic scenarios

Create detailed stope and development reserve sets for any chosen scenario(s) in one place.

Access development

Instantly generate level access development based on most efficient haulage route.

Connecting decline

Automatically create connecting declines for generated level development.

Integration with SOT

Maximise NPV of strategic scenarios with SOT.

Strategic Design Optimiser (SDO) is an innovative design application that combines the complex tasks of strategic stope and development optimisation into a single, coherent process. By harnessing a parametric approach, rather than the traditional manual process, SDO automates the tedious design tasks to generate first pass development networks required to access the stoping scenarios. The optimisation is taken to the next level by fully incorporating stope and development optimisation, allowing users to explore multiple strategic option scenarios and provide the full picture of a mine’s potential reserves.

Strategic capabilities

SDO enables users to rapidly understand the impact of changes to key economic drivers such as metallurgical grade, mining costs, revenue and the roll-on effects these have on accessing the mineral deposits to be mined. Determine the most economical network of tunnels to access and extract ore with the industry’s premier strategic design optimisation tools together in one place.


Automatic generation of orebody wireframes and control surfaces

If an orebody wireframe is unavailable to import, the automatic orebody generation feature can identify and build a representative orebody wireframe from the block model. When an orebody wireframe is either imported into or generated in SDO, the control surfaces required by the Stope Optimiser are automatically generated.

Stope & Development Optimisation

The integration of stoping and development enables users to rapidly understand the impact of changes to key economic drivers such as metallurgical grade, mining costs, revenue, forex, and future mine plans. Determine the most economical network of tunnels to access and extract ore with the industry’s only Strategic Design Optimiser.

SDO leverages the strengths of the industry-standard Mineable Shape Optimiser (MSO) with a visual interface that allows users to view frameworks split into tubes based on the user-defined level and section slicing planes. Flexible option assessment allows users to pick and choose what combination of stope geometries and properties are run with each framework.

Optimised level development & decline design

Instantly generate crosscuts and footwall drives for every stope on every level, based on user-defined geometric rules. First pass level access development is generated based on the least cost network to connect the stopes. SDO utilises an automatic stope type detection feature to generate development access layouts for transverse or longitudinal stopes. Connection to existing development networks is also supported.

SDO builds optimised declines considering development and haulage costs while honouring user-defined geometric constraints such as road grade and minimum turning circle radius. If the orebody contains discrete stoping areas, the decline is split at the optimal location. Editing tools make adjusting decline and ripple changes back to level designs easy.

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