Mining companies all over the world are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve Net Zero as soon as possible. To do this effectively, organisations need to understand their emissions and demonstrate clear progress towards their decarbonisation goals through accurate and auditable reporting.

EmissionsManager is a Software as a Service (SaaS) based solution for collecting, calculating, monitoring and reporting on emissions data. This allows you to understand your emissions profile and meet both internal and external reporting requirements through transparent and accurate communications.


Build out asset & organisation hierarchies

Align with your existing reporting structure to support more detailed analysis of trends, opportunities, and issues.

Activity management & calculations

Automatically convert the various measures from reporting into CO2e, ensuring you are always up to date and compliant.

Data verification & standardisation

Built-in tools enhance the quality of data by flagging duplicates, gaps and variances above a set allowance compared to your previous year.

Data distribution & pedigrees

The solution prioritises the data available, consistently utilising the highest quality of data.

Inbuilt & configurable dashboards

The configurable dashboards allow data to be interpreted according to your preference with various views available.

Environmental & compliance reporting

NGERS and a GHG Inventory Report are available, removing the need for any 3rd party consultants and maximising external reporting and compliance.

EmissionsManager can support your operation by the proactively monitoring and reporting on your carbon emissions to align with decarbonisation targets.

Align organisational reporting with emissions reporting

Within EmissionsManager, you can build out a customised asset and organisation hierarchy that captures the structure of your business. EmissionsManager then facilitates the flow of data from all points of your operation, such as diesel use and electricity, with all data being converted into a carbon equivalent.

This means raw data is transformed into relevant information and can be reported on at the company level, all the way down to the original data source.

Proactive decision-making

EmissionsManager provides a single source of truth of emissions data by consolidating and capturing previously disparate data sources. By having access to historical and current emissions data, presented in intuitive dashboards and reports, you can review your carbon performance at any time.

This allows you to monitor issues, identify trends and demonstrate progress towards your short, medium and long-term emissions reduction goals.

Insightful reporting

With EmissionsManager, your organisation is provided with increased information to meet reporting obligations with confidence and amplify decision-making. Data is available in real-time, allowing you to track and continually monitor your emissions profile.

The built-in standardisation and verification tool means that EmissionsManager will always use the highest quality of data. This allows you to report with confidence and accuracy to streamline decision-making, strategy changes and inform stakeholders at the highest level.

Reports can also be presented using intuitive and interactive dashboards, allowing you to meet the varying requirements of all stakeholders. Some of the mandatory and voluntary reporting standards available out-of-the-box include:

  • National Greenhouse Energy Reporting Scheme
  • Climate Active
  • Carbon Disclosure Project

Measuring your emissions is more important than ever considering the worldwide focus on a Net Zero future.

Integrate Emissions Capture with our Expert Advisory Services

Combine the streamlined process of emissions capture and analysis with expert advice and support from our dedicated ESG services team. Evaluate your strategies for a sustainable future all in one place, with insight from practical experts to ensure that your decisions align with reporting requirements and specific organisational needs.

Learn more about our holistic ESG capabilities 

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Net Zero

The mining industry is shifting its focus to a low carbon future, and RPMGlobal is uniquely placed to provide both technological and advisory support. EmissionsManager provides highly insightful data and reports to allow for proactive decision-making in this space.

Learn more about our Net Zero capabilities